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PROOF for Finance

PROOF understands how financial managers use information. Using PROOF's built-in metrics as your springboard, you can interactively investigate financial anomalies based on business rules, drill into subaccounts, create custom divisional or regional reports, and perform more refined margin and contribution analyses.

ERPs and general ledgers are designed for transaction processing, not business reporting. Data Warehouses are designed for measure-based data such as customer sales, not financial data based on accounts. With PROOF, we've built financial business intelligence right into the solution framework that supports your analysis. That means you get the reports you need and can access key performance indicators (KPIs) immediately, without spending days creating them. And with PROOF, once you create a metric, it's always available, even if you're creating a different report, query, or spreadsheet.

Get fast, accurate answers
PROOF's intelligent framework knows business. Built-in financial knowledge makes performance assessments fast and accurate:
  • Scorecards and performance dashboards - PROOF makes it easy to gain insights into strategic and operational objectives. The three T's of Targets, Trends, and Typical Rankings are built right in.
  • Report formatting - Decimal places, currency symbols, and negative number formats are automatically applied to the data.
  • Scenarios - PROOF takes the guesswork out of reporting actuals, budget, forecast, or any type of target. With each scenario PROOF automatically knows to provide variances.
  • Performance rankings - Best, worst, average, % of total and median values are automatically provided for all your relevant financial data.
  • Performance trends - Sophisticated trend analysis allows complex attribute rankings over time. Who are my best sales reps over the last 6 months? What cost centers had the best gross margins last quarter? How is this different from the same period a year ago? What is our % growth? How do sales of red down jackets in the Northeast this winter compare to the same season over the last 3 years?
  • Currency conversion - See US$, local currency, and any other currency loaded into the PROOF database. PROOF automatically knows whether data is financial data and which currency conversion rates apply, depending on the geographic region.
Since PROOF is based on Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, you get your choice of tools, including Sharepoint Insights (PerformancePoint Services), Microsoft Reporting Services, Excel, Panorama, and Strategy Companion. The bottom line? Now you can respond faster and smarter to problems and opportunities.

To find out more about PROOF and business performance management for finance, contact us.

PROOF overview (PDF).

Symmetry Corporation • San Rafael, CA
Tel. 415-453-7966 • www.symcorp.com • info@symcorp.com